Step 2: Tidy Your Office

Before our last pre-check-in step, let’s review an amazing week. We’ve:

  • Power-purged your office (Day 1)
  • Created zones and made the most of your home office real estate (Day 2)
  • Created an easy-to-use filing system (Day 3)
  • Worked out what records to keep, and where (Day 4)
  • Sorted your piles of paper (Day 5)
  • Adopted habits for a clean desk, organized home office, and end to paper piles (Day 6)
  • Cleared out boxes full of stuff to trash, recycle, shred, donate, and archive (Day 7).

We’re nearly done!

In our last 40 minutes, let’s put some finishing touches on your home office. Let’s tidy!

  • Take everything off your desk that doesn’t belong there and put it all away
  • Wipe down your desk
  • Wipe down your computer screen, keyboard, and mouse or trackpad
  • Do a quick tidy of your shelves, neatening your books and materials
  • Do a quick tidy of your drawers, neatening your stationery and supplies
  • Do a quick tidy of your cabinets, straightening things so they look orderly
  • If you spot more stuff you can do without – get rid of it


Move fast. Don’t over-think. Let it go.

Come on now – let’s wrap this up!

When you’re done, take a look around your lovely, organized office. You did that! YOU! Congratulations!!

Does your home office need a potted plant? An inspiring artwork? A vase of fresh flowers? Choose a reward for yourself and add it to your shopping list. You deserve it!

Before you go, upload a photo of your beautiful home office to our Facebook page!

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